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  • Mary Monaghan Chesney

DIY Room Spray: Create a Cozy, Great Smelling Home

I know I'm not the only one who has stood in the aisle at Target sniffing all the room sprays and just wishing I could find my favorite scent... Especially since there was so many oils at home I love to use for diffusing.

But sometimes you don't want to diffuse, you just want a little spritz refresher here and there.

Well ladies, I'm here to tell you it's so easy to make your own. You only need 3 ingredients and a spray bottle:

empty spray bottle, small blue bottle, and bottle of witch hazel

First you want to put your witch hazel in your spray bottle followed by the essential oil drops. Swirl it around until the oil dissolves in the witch hazel.

Next add your water, mix a little more, and voila! Depending on the oil used, the end resulting color may vary. Mine ended up milky looking using capri BLUE Volcano difusser oil.

Now freshen your rooms 'till your hearts content.


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Hi, I'm Mary! I'm a Florida small business owner, nurse, artist, and mama obsessed with home wellness as a way of nurturing the body, mind, and soul.

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